permanent jewelry website displayed on computer screen

How to Create a Website for Your Permanent Jewelry Business

Whether you’re starting a new permanent jewelry business or bringing your existing business online, this tutorial will help you create a business website.

With free templates, affordable hosting solutions and website examples to follow, there are no surprises when it comes to creating a website for your permanent jewelry business.

Even the smallest local business can benefit from building a website to promote to local and surrounding customers. Using city names and service descriptions, you can easily grow your reach for free.

If you’re among those saying, “I want a website for my business,” then continue reading with me. I’ll explain exactly how to create a professional website for your permanent jewelry business venture.

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6 Steps to Create A Permanent Jewelry Business Website

permanent jewelry website displayed on computer screen

Step 1: Choose a Domain Name

Your domain name is the strand of words/letters/numbers that your website visitors will type to find your business website online. It’s best to choose a domain name that is memorable, easy to remember and/or matches your permanent jewelry business name.

I chose because my business name is SeLuv Permanent Jewelry (pronounced “Say Love”). My domain name matches my business name so that it’s extremely easy for my customers to find me online.

Search for a domain name on NameCheap and select one that fits your budget and your business. NameCheap will lead you through a checkout process once you’ve searched and selected your favorite domain name. Most unique URLs cost as little as $8.88 per year, but more popular phrases can be far more expensive.

Step 2: Choose a Website Host

A website “host” does exactly as it sounds – it hosts your website and connects it to the world wide web so that people can find it. Think of a website host as an online storage unit. No one can store information on the internet without paying for “rental” space. A host purchases large online properties and sublets space to small businesses for an affordable fee.

Now that you know what a host is and why they’re necessary, you’ll need to choose one. I have used and love SiteGround. This web host is affordable yet still offers 24/7 tech support and great customer service.

Click here to open SiteGround and create your business website.

Make sure to keep this tutorial open in a separate tab so you can continue following the instructions below!

First, open SiteGround and select the blue “Get Started” button below the plan of your choice. The StartUp plan will be sufficient for a permanent jewelry business website.

SiteGround plans

Second, enter the domain name that you chose and select the radio button next to “I already have a Domain.”

*Note: You can purchase both your hosting and domain name through SiteGround; however, keeping them separate provides more control should you decide to switch hosting services in the future.


Select “PROCEED” after entering your information.

You will now need to setup your account with SiteGround. Fill in all information completely and accurately. Review your package selection. There are plans starting from 12 months to 36 months.


Grab your business credit/debit card and fill in your payment information.

Select “pay now” when you’re ready to commit to purchasing hosting for your new permanent jewelry business website!

SiteGround is one of the best hosts for small businesses and will help you with any tech support issues or questions you may have.

Step 3: Choose a Website Platform

Your host rents you “space” online, while your platform is the physical framework that makes up your website. Thankfully the absolute best platform for a business website is free!

I use and highly recommend You can find all kinds of free business templates to choose from and then customize them as needed for your business.

Signup for a account to create your business website. SiteGround will also give you the option to choose WordPress within your new dashboard.

Related: Best Online Permanent Jewelry Training Courses

Step 4: Choose a Small Business Template/Theme

WordPress has a huge selection of free website themes. Enter a search term or category like “jewelry” or “service” and select one that has a look you enjoy. I’ve also listed a few popular themes below in case you just want to grab one here. You can always change your theme later if you decide that it doesn’t work for your design needs.

1. Kadence Theme

This is the theme that I use for my permanent jewelry website. It’s free, flexible, and has some gorgeous layouts to work with.

Kadence theme screenshot

2. Astra Theme

Astra is a free, lightweight WordPress theme example and works for all kinds of businesses.

Astra screenshot

2. Rara Business Theme

Rara Business is another great small business website theme that is perfect for a service business like permanent jewelry.

Rara theme screenshot

Install Your Theme

If you’ve followed along with me to this point, and you’ve chosen a website theme to use, then let’s get it installed and ready to customize.

Visit your website’s admin panel. This is an area where only you can go (and other developers that you hire). Login to your account.

Once you’ve reached your admin panel, you’ll need to hover over “Appearance” and then select “Themes” to install your chosen theme.


Select “Add New.”


Either select “Upload Theme” (you may have downloaded the file previously) or go ahead and search for your chosen theme by name.


If located in a search, simply select “Install Theme.”


You can now return to your themes (on the admin panel: Appearance > Themes) to activate your theme.


Related: What Insurance Do You Need for a Permanent Jewelry Business?

Step 5: Customize Your Business Template/Theme

Now that your theme is activated, you’ll want to customize all of the information to match your permanent jewelry business services. This part can be both rewarding and tedious. The more complex your needs, the more time it will take to customize the template the way you’d like to.

To start customizing your theme, visit Appearance > Themes and select Live Preview on your chosen theme.


Walk through each selection to add your business information, make color changes and create different widget areas (like a footer or sidebar). You can always come back to this area to further customize. Select Activate & Publish when you’re ready.


Step 6: Publish Your New Business Website

After your business website looks just the way you like it, you can connect your domain name and publish your website for the public to find.

For this step, I highly recommend opening a live chat with SiteGround so that they can help you connect your website domain properly. For the non-tech-savvy business owner, this takes out all of the guesswork and stress.

If you like the DIY approach, then NameCheap has a step-by-step tutorial explaining how to connect your domain name to your website.

With the help of SiteGround and/or NameCheap, your permanent jewelry business website will be published! You can type your domain name in any browser and check out your live website.

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Promote Your Permanent Jewelry Business

Your work doesn’t end with a published website. Creating a website for your permanent jewelry business is only the beginning.

That’s where promoting your business comes in. Many businesses are successful in promoting on Facebook or Instagram and benefit greatly when implementing local SEO and building an email list to market to.

It’s so important to let your existing customers know your permanent jewelry business now has a website. You may have high hopes that customers will flood in the moment you publish your website, but realistically, it takes time.

Create useful content around permanent jewelry by answering frequently asked questions, adding your website address to your business cards, asking your loyal customers and friends to share it on social media, and updating your website with current pop-up locations and events to attract new visitors through Google searches.

Related: Permanent Jewelry Quotes to Market Your Business

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